Testimonials & Client Stories

SIBO Freedom Group Coaching Program

I love Kirsten's personality. She is so positive and upbeat! She really is a real gut expert and super knowledgeable.

I joined the program looking to solve my Ulcerative Colitis and SIBO.

What stood out to me was how personal it was. Having our questions answered every week was amazing. I really appreciated feeling free to ask a lot of questions, and hearing Kirsten's answers. It's amazing how she explains things and really teaches you.

I feel so much more knowledgeable.

It was really cool to focus on many areas of health.. not just food and food restrictions.. but learning about breathing, stress management and non-distracted eating.

She taught us how to not focus so much on our illness and to get out and enjoy life.

I loved everything about the program!!! I am eating so many foods now!! I started at 21 or 23 different veggies and in week 11, I got to 61!!

 My stress levels are so much lower, and I am able to better handle stress, and even got amazing tools to learn how to get emotions out.

My favourite part of the program was the group sessions.

 I am just so happy now. :)

Jennifer Ghawaly, USA

After completing the program, I DON'T FEEL SICK ALL THE TIME!!!! 

In late 2018, I was beginning to seriously suspect I had SIBO. I started trying to find people online who had had victory over it, but they weren't clear on whether or not they were feeling good and eating normally... or they relapsed and were treating it again.

I was close to feeling hopeless and then I found Kirsten's testimony on YouTube about how she was eating normally now!

That really inspired me and I found Kirsten on IG. I was a bit sceptical about working with someone I only saw on social media, so I waited a bit and tried the "less expensive" route. I worked with someone local for 6 months, but didn't see a lot of progress in my symptoms.

I'd been wanting to work with Kirsten for months, and when I saw she was starting a last minute SIBO Freedom group, I got my husband to agree (lol), and that's it!

I had all kinds of symptoms when joining: Acid reflux, intense discomfort and tightness in my upper abdomen below the sternum, irregular BMs, I was underweight, had skin rash like things near my eyes/lots of white spots on nails, I was unable to eat many foods without feeling sick and I was feeling emotionally fragile.

I loved Kirsten's first hand experience overcoming complex digestive issues. She really gets the emotional aspects of digestive issues.

In the group I got to learn about a variety of symptoms/approaches, and to get to know other people.

After completing the program, I DON'T FEEL SICK ALL THE TIME!!!! 

I am pooping more, my upper abdomen pain is hardly an issue, I've gained a few pounds and am sure I'll get back to a healthy weight.

I've added in A LOT of new foods WAY faster than I expected. I'm eating a much greater variety of veggies than I ever have in my life.

My skin and nails are looking way better.

I feel like I'm getting myself back!

Even if you don't have SIBO (like me), you'll still make tons of progress and learn a lot!

If my best friend was thinking about doing the program and asked me if she should, I'd say DO IT!

It changed my life!

Hillary Givhan, Canada

Low-and-behold, after 2 months of the SIBO Freedom program, of following the Bi-Phasic Diet and Kirsten’s treatment protocol for me, I got my FIRST NEGATIVE SIBO BREATH TEST!!!!!!!

I suffered from SIBO for over 7 years. 

I was diagnosed with SIBO in 2012, had 2 ER visits from extreme abdominal pain, full-body convulsions, and blood in my stools. I lived the past 7 years on a constant quest to eliminate SIBO, with no success. I spent - $30,000 on doctor’s bills, tests and procedures. I was severely uncomfortable and I constantly struggled at work or socializing because my whole body felt agitated and I constantly had to hold my tummy in so that I didn’t look pregnant. I tried every diet or supplement protocol that I heard of. After each failed attempt, I became more and more deeply depressed.

Low-and-behold, after 2 months of the SIBO Freedom program, of following the Bi-Phasic Diet and Kirsten’s treatment protocol for me, I got my FIRST NEGATIVE SIBO BREATH TEST!!!!!!! I cried, my husband cried, and my family cried tears of joy when we heard the news. For 7 years, this was the moment I had been constantly working, hoping and praying for!! I am eternally grateful to Kirsten for this tremendous blessing!!!

I feel like I got my life back!! I am happier than I’ve been since before I got SIBO!! I feel healthy for a change, comfortable in my body, more confident, less scared of food, more productive, and more able to be present in the moment!! My tummy remains flat throughout the day, and I am eating foods that I haven’t in years!! I am training for an 8-mile running race, and improved my time by 13 minutes now that I am SIBO Free!! I can go out to dinner with my family, and I now feel more optimistic about raising kids of my own one day. I feel like I have a whole new realm of potentials to explore now that I have the freedom from SIBO!!

Caryn Mielke, USA

My biggest achievement on completing SIBO Freedom has been LEARNING TO CALM MY FOOD FEAR!!!

I’ve been struggling with gut issue for many years. Sibo, c diff, dysbiosis, kidney stones, extreme anxiety and PTSD.

I found Kirsten's website after another desperate search for help and it felt like a sign from above!

I loved her confidence as well as her exuberance, and felt like I was in good hands.

I was recovering from C diff and several rounds of antibiotics after sepsis from kidney stones. I was still having lots of gas and pain, as well as lots of food intolerances that fuelled my food fear. I needed strict guidance on how to move forward without triggering my PTSD. The anxiety I sometimes felt led me to a very dark place.

My biggest achievement on completing SIBO Freedom has been LEARNING TO CALM MY FOOD FEAR!!! That is enormous for me.

I love how Kirsten stresses “ slow and steady”.

My bowel movements are now very good. At least one solid, emptying movement a day. I’ve learned to breathe deeply as a tool to calm myself, and it really works. I’m slowly beginning to accept that a few bad days do not mean I am backsliding.

I also believe the probiotics I’m taking are making a difference. I can’t tell you how many supplements I’ve reacted to, or simply didn’t work, but the prebiotics are well tolerated.

I loved the group chats, and trying new foods. I wanted to learn how to deal with food fear and being reassured that I’m healing and not stuck or going backward and I believe I got it.

I’m able to talk myself off the ledge of doubt and fear.

Anyone thinking of doing SIBO Freedom I would tell him/her to go for it!

Bernadette Furlong, USA

I was most inspired to work with Kirsten because of your knowledge and passion for SIBO.

I found her when I was looking for support and more answers with SIBO. She has SO much to share on instagram and her zest for curing the damn bugs was inspirational.

Before I found Kirsten, I had been suffering from IBS for years, struggled to have a weekly BM, had a hard time travelling and was taking many different remedies to have a BM.

I couldn't find any support, with regards to SIBO, like Kirsten was offering. My current ND knows how difficult SIBO is but wasn't able to be a constant support, which is what I needed.

I needed people to share the journey with and an ND that specialized in healing the SIBO I had.

There is so much more to the diagnosis and the diet.

After completing SIBO Freedom, I have achieved having a BM almost every day :)

Throughout the process I have learned the importance (and given myself permission) of putting myself first. I now sit and eat, chew and enjoy my food, take time to plan and make meals for me, and set boundaries that I am comfortable keeping. I am also not snacking which has been a huge help.

I have been able to make gut changing habits around meals, meal spacing and mental health. 

Kadie Wozniak, Canada

Use your time and money on someone who cares and who knows what they are doing and gets results... that person is Kirsten!

Can you just be my best friend so I can have advice for the rest of my life????

After spending time and money on another naturopath and all the tests under the sun I wanted someone who specialized in gut health and was so excited when I found Kirsten's Instagram page and saw all the information she was giving people to help them get better!

I loved being in a group situation and knowing there was support from others that were going through the same as I was! My favourite part were the weekly group chats! I looked forward to those majorly to be able to connect and keep me focused. I want to care for my body more now than I ever have before! Invest in yourself. Use your time and money on someone who cares and who knows what they are doing and gets results... that person is Kirsten! 

Casey Rooney, New Zealand

SIBO Freedom is nothing like going to a doctor. Because it's group coaching, it's like a retreat and you never stop learning about your body and mind. It's a life lesson that you will use and carry forever.

Kirsten's Instagram posts and enthusiasm encouraged me to work with her.

Working with somebody that has lived through the same thing as you is more reassuring because they can relate to many things, symptoms and past experiences.

SIBO Freedom has shown me that I need to put myself first and it's not only about eating but also about doing some exercise and mental work. I push myself with Yoga, meditation and reading and today it has become a habit that I really enjoy. We tend to forget ourselves when we feel sick and downgrade...

I forgot for a long time to be a woman and feel human. Now I push myself to care about myself in this sense so it helps me mentally. My body is a huge machine that I need to become more and more familiar with.

SIBO Freedom is nothing like going to a doctor. Because it's group coaching, it's like a retreat and you never stop learning about your body and mind. It's a life lesson that you will use and carry forever. It's a great way to get support from several people that face same problems. Being able to ask Kirsten questions and have somebody there feels so reassuring.

My favourite part was the support of the group and to be able to have a meeting every week, because my mind could shift quickly and after the meetings, I usually felt reboosted.

I also loved being able to ask questions during the week. That was important when you have concerns. I think everybody should have the opportunity to learn more and be able to ask questions.

I realized that I'm not alone in my problems, people exist to help and can take you seriously, and that everything is changeable and can be cured if we put in the effort.

Candice Berezay, Canada

I am so proud that after 10 plus years of feeling terrible that my body was able to heal in 2 months.

After seeing doctor after doctor and hearing them all basically say there is nothing else they can do for me, I was ready to say this is just how I am suppose to feel.

But I found Kirsten on Instagram one day after searching for SIBO (I was actually trying to find a support group). I thought maybe one more doctor. One more shot. Maybe she can help me. And I’m so happy I did it!

Working with Kirsten during SIBO Freedom was amazing.

She listened. Never judged. And always guided me. She looks at the whole body.

After completing SIBO Freedom I now have a better understanding of my body,  minimal bloating sometimes scale 2 instead of a 10.

I haven’t tested but I believe I am SIBO free!

I've lost weight/inflammation that I thought I would never get rid of.

My gut and whole body is feeling much better.

I am now appreciating my body for what it has accomplished. I am so proud that after 10 plus years of feeling terrible that my body was able to heal in 2 months. I just had to give it the right things and time to heal.

Talia Kaye, USA

Being educated on SO many different things relating to the gut has been life changing. 

I found Kirsten on Instagram. Looking through her Instagram page, she had SO much great information there that I knew she was going to be a great help to me.

I loved being educated by Kirsten on digestive health. With the gut being at the center of health you can never know too much about it! There's so much science and physiology that goes into gut health and for me it's been incredible to learn all that from Kirsten because I trust what she's saying.

Being educated on SO many different things relating to the gut has been life changing. Education and empowerment is everything, and I feel more confident making sound decision regarding my health in the future because of what I was taught by Kirsten.

I think that's going to have a wonderful effect on my life and health for years to come!

Elizabeth Phillips, USA

Sign up for SIBO Freedom today

Fix Your SIBO Online Course

I am thoroughly enjoying this class.

I loved learning about bloating because it's been such an annoying symptom for me. I'm healthy and athletic so I feel like the work I've put into taking care of myself physically is for naught when I'm all bloated.

The last 2 weeks I've been having normal bowel movements. It's been YEARS since I had them regularly!

Chrissy, USA

I have learned so much!

I am a nurse but had never even heard of SIBO until I was diagnosed with it a year ago. I then saw a naturopath, referred to a GI specialist, GI naturopath, and dietician and did a ton of research on my own. I belong to every FB group about SIBO.

What I'm trying to say is that I have learned things even in week 1 that nobody ever told me before!

Robyn, USA 

You are honestly such a ray of sunshine in my day. The way you talk and are just so positive makes us all feel so good.

I think my favourite part of the course this week was SYMPTOMS ๐Ÿ˜†. It was actually so awesome to see and read about symptoms that are common to me!

My other favourite part of the course is YOU!

You are honestly such a ray of sunshine in my day. The way you talk and are just so positive makes us all feel so good. I love the part of the day that I get to work on my course because I am obviously very interested in it AND you make everything interesting, fun ANDDDDDD you're pretty funny.

I rewind parts, take my headphones out and MAKE my husband watch things you say. 

Katie, USA

LOVE all the detail and explanation of everything.

I really liked learning how to read the tests, it is empowering to be able to understand a test giving specifics about a person's body..and then what to do next.

I also really like the part in the treatment plan lesson where we learn the reasons for the herbals and understanding what symptoms might mean in order to best support those with added on support.

I am blown away by this course so far!

So far, I feel like everything is explained so well and in such great detail that I feel giddy to have such access to that level of knowledge.


Carrie, USA

My favorite part of the online course was actually learning and UNDERSTANDING what SIBO is.

I have had so many questions about what SIBO was and just learning the why behind it has made so much more sense to me.

I have also loved learning about being more aware when you are eating and how that actually affects digestive system.

Natalie, USA

I have loved the course, especially Week 4!

Kirsten provided so much additional information regarding inflammation and visceral hypersensitivity and how different conditions are affecting the gut and our body as a whole. I would have never linked certain feelings to histamine foods for example...didn't even know that existed.

My favourite part of Fix Your SIBO was the reminder about the work it takes to maintain a healthy digestive system, but that it is actually one of the things we are to a fair degree in control of.

Apart from the information, I love how Kirsten presents them, easy to understand, great metaphors and always smiley and compassionate to our journey.

Thank you!

Katharina, Canada

Start your journey to better health now

Private Coaching

Kirsten is knowledgeable and compassionate and very attentive to things said and unsaid.

Just wanted to offer my recommendation for working one on one with Kirsten.

I spent years trying to find answers to the symptoms I was having. From seeing a local gastroenterologist to going to the Mayo Clinic, I was dismissed at every turn.

I finally received my SIBO diagnosis after meeting with 2 different naturopaths who were solely focused on the kill phase and not repairing my gut.

My greatest fear has always been recurrence.

Once I met and began working with Kirsten that fear was eased.

Kirsten is knowledgeable and compassionate and very attentive to things said and unsaid.

She is encouraging and adjusts treatment and food plans with individual focus per client.

It is so helpful to know she comes from a place of experience and has suffered the same path.

She sympathises with the struggles and celebrates in the progress.

I am most grateful for working with her in my healing journey.

Tashia Shuey, USA

Working with Kirsten has changed my life and both my physical and mental health have improved beyond expectations.

I had had digestive issues for a couple of years without doing something properly about it, I thought it was only stress related or as I’d travelled to Bali maybe “Bali belly”.

I fell in love with Kirsten and her glowing energy as soon as I met her and I knew that it was time to get the bottom of my digestive issues and that Kirsten was the person to help me.

I’m not going to lie, it has been challenging at times but with Kirsten’s amazing knowledge and support it has been 100% worth it.

Working with Kirsten has changed my life and both my physical and mental health have improved beyond expectations.

Thank you lovely woman for coming in to my life!

Mia Redemo, Sweden

All of my initial symptoms gradually disappeared over a few weeks and I was delighted to drop 9.6kgs!

I booked a consultation with Kirsten to discuss some digestive issues I had been experiencing – bloating, tiredness, lethargy, just to name a few.

Kirsten quickly identified that there was a good chance I had SIBO, which was later confirmed by a breath test. We began working together to address these symptoms as well as lose a few unwanted kilos that had started to creep on since turning 40.

The online consultations suited me perfectly as we could schedule these at times that suited my busy life and I didn’t have to factor in travel time to get to appointments.

All of my initial symptoms gradually disappeared over a few weeks and I was delighted to drop 9.6kgs!  I had an abundance of energy that I hadn’t experienced in a long time, and I gained a greater understanding of the kinds of foods my body preferred.

I am eternally grateful to Kirsten for her support through this whole process.  Her warm and optimistic nature made me feel very comfortable and I looked forward to our weekly chats.  I don’t think I could have done this without her support.

Luisa Rossi, Australia

I love the changes in my body (of course!), my confidence, and my knowledge.

I worked with Kirsten a few months ago while living in my home country of Indonesia.  I found her so friendly and professional!

She supported me the entire way through my protocol, could answer all of my questions, and gave great advice during our online coaching sessions.

My knowledge of food and of my own body has changed so much from working with Kirsten as well.  I now know what foods are best for my body, how to test my body with new foods, as well as how to remedy things after eating something I perhaps shouldn’t have without torturing myself!

I love the changes in my body (of course!), my confidence, and my knowledge.

At first, I doubted myself that it would be possible.  But the support from Kirsten helped a lot!  Really, without that, surely I wouldn’t see the finish line at all!

And the weight loss!  I lost 10kg!

My self confidence has changed so much too.  I like seeing my full body in front of the mirror now!  Before?  No way!  I think that speaks a lot!

Latifah Sipahutar, Indonesia

A year later, I still feel great, feel emotionally content and stable. Working with Kirsten was the best thing I could have done for myself.

Kirsten shared her expertise and guided me through the lot.  She offered ongoing support, advice, recipe tips and a great dose of encouragement!

A year later, I still feel great, feel emotionally content and stable (a first for me!) and have gained precious dietary knowledge.

Celine Brun, France

Kirsten is a passionate wealth of holistic naturopathic knowledge who will take you down a road that you will never want to walk back up again. 

That being said, you have to be dedicated and ready yourself.

Working with Kirsten has exceeded all my expectations, and opening a new interest for me in naturopathy.

I am finally proud of my physical body knowing that I am nurturing it with good wholesome food, and not working out like a maniac or starving myself. 

I feel my physical being working quite harmoniously and without issues.

Kim Summerson, Indonesia

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Start Creating Your Wellness Story

Kirsten is a Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist who specialises in working with those suffering from chronic digestive complaints, fatigue and weight issues. Why? Because that was her story too. Was. Past tense. Out the other side and healed using natural medicine, now helping others to do the same.