In this workshop you'll learn how to correctly interpret your SIBO test results for a correct diagnosis, correct treatment, therefore faster healing!
For just $22.00 you can learn how to correctly interpret your SIBO test results.
There are three types of SIBO: Hydrogen, Methane (IMO) and Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO. When interpreted correctly, the Lactulose SIBO Breath test can indicate whether you have any of these types of SIBO.
No more feeling lost not knowing what's wrong with your digestive system.
Start your journey to food freedom today!
I’ve been seeing more and more people come to me feeling hopeless because they’re not getting better. Only to realise that their SIBO test results have been incorrectly interpreted, and they’re following the wrong treatment protocol!
So I have decided to offer this workshop to teach you exactly how to interpret your SIBO breath test and get on the right track to finally getting better!
You CAN get better Superstar! You just need the right diagnosis and the right treatment!!!
What You Can Expect From Doing The Workshop?
You’ll understand your results and how to interpret your tests.
You will be gaining invaluable knowledge about your condition.
Join Kirsten as she goes through everything you need to know about SIBO testing and why it's SO important to get tested.
If you have SIBO and don't know that you do, certain foods, prebiotics and probiotics could actually make you WORSE.
If you don't have SIBO and assume that you do, antimicrobial/antibiotic treatment can cause more harm than good in your digestive system and decimate your microbiome, leaving you feeling worse for even longer.
First step is to ALWAYS get tested. Join me to find out why.
This workshop has already happened, but you can get the recording along with bonus material by signing up now.
No more feeling lost not knowing what's wrong with your digestive system. No more doubting your diagnosis or following the wrong treatment plan.
Get the right advice and start your journey to food freedom today!

Kirsten is a Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist who specialises in working with those suffering from chronic digestive complaints, fatigue and weight issues. Why? Because that was her story too. Was. Past tense. Out the other side and healed using natural medicine, now helping others to do the same.