Terms & Conditions
The T’s & C’s
SIBO Freedom Stories Edition
We are offering a 33% discount on the private coaching program (so a saving of $907.50).
In exchange for this discount, you would be required to document and share your experience.
We would need from you:
- A clear profile picture
- An introduction video
- Weekly video diary (submitted before your next scheduled 1:1 session)*
- Weekly homework forms (submitted before your next scheduled 1:1 session)
- An exit video
- A completed exit form
- A written testimonial
*Since the idea behind this discount is to share a behind-the-scenes look at the program, it is very important to us that all members document their journey with a weekly video diary.
We understand that life happens and that unforeseen circumstances might prevent you from submitting your diaries each week, it is with this in mind that we will allow you to miss 2 videos / progress forms penalty free.
If you miss more than 2 homework weekly entries, we will suspend your access to the program until you have paid a fine of $100 per entry missed.
**Bear in mind that you have received a 33% discount on this program in exchange for this participation and sharing.
New Clients – First Appointment
Your initial consultation with Lisa or Nicole will last about one hour. During this time they will take notes about your health history, suggest appropriate lab tests for you, and make some recommendations regarding food, rest, movement and lifestyle.
If prior to the appointment we feel that our services are not appropriate for you we reserve discretion to cancel your appointment and refund full payment.
Fee Schedule
Appointment & Monthly Plan fees are as stated on my website’s Private Coaching page and are current as at the time of booking.
Payment for individual appointments are due at time of booking and can be made via credit or debit card directly through my website.
Credit card payments are processed through Stripe. Stripe is a payment processor certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. Once your Stripe profile is set up I only ever see the last four digits of your card.
Payment for monthly plans are direct debited from the credit or debit card provided in advance.
Initial and individual appointments are in one hour blocks and can be scheduled through the private coaching page.
You will receive a booking confirmation via email and an appointment reminder two days before your appointment.
Monthly Plans
All follow up appointments are included in my monthly plans, the number of depending on the plan you are on. Follow up appointments are 1 hour long and are usually the same time each.
Email queries are unlimited and can be sent through to my assistant Sam on [email protected] at any time. Sam checks emails daily and endeavours to reply to each within 3 business days.
The emails are for the more emergency-type-stuff. For general questions we use the “Questions & Journal” tab on your prescription in your Google Drive folder. When you have added to your journal, you can send Sam an email and she will notify your Naturopath who will respond to you there.
Lab Tests
Lab results are usually sent through to us 1-2 weeks after the lab has received your samples. Once received we will evaluate them and then contact you to schedule a session to discuss.
You will only receive your test results during one of these consultations, we can then share them with you via email or in your Google Drive folder after.
Rescheduling by Us (the Provider)
If we need to reschedule your appointment, we will do our best to provide as much notice as reasonably possible and offer you an alternative appointment time.
Rescheduling by You (the Client)
I understand that sometimes life gets in the way and you may need to re-schedule or even cancel an appointment.
You can do this anytime through the link in your confirmation email up to 24 hours before your appointment time, or send Sam an email at [email protected].
If we are not provided with at least a full day’s notice our cancellation and refund policy applies.
If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, it will be considered a 'No show' and you will be charged for the appointment.
Cancellations and Refunds
We value our time and appreciate it when others do too. Last minute cancellations or no shows often mean that time is unused and wasted.
As such my cancellation and refunds policy reflects this as:
If you are unable or unwilling to keep your scheduled appointment you must cancel your appointment at least 24 hours beforehand. You can do this either through our online booking system (link in your appointment confirmation email) or by sending Sam an email at [email protected]. If you do not cancel at least 24 hours beforehand, you will be charged or the appointment.
If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, it will be considered a 'No show' and you will be charged for the appointment.
Individual Appointments:
If you fail to provide at least a full day’s notice you will forfeit your booked appointment as well as any cost already incurred and will not be eligible for a refund.
If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, it will be considered a 'No show' and you will be charged for the appointment.
Monthly Plans:
As above we require 24 hours notice for all re-schedules or cancellations. We only take on a certain number of clients at one time, and are often at max capacity.
If we can slot you in somewhere else we will do our best, but if we can’t you will lose your appointment for that week.
If you cancel or do not show for your appointment without sufficient notice more than 3 times we reserve the right to cancel the remainder of your plan and you will not be eligible for a refund.
Group Coaching
My Group coaching program SIBO Freedom is a three month online program.
Included for the program is 1 live session each week. All sessions are recorded and shared in the group’s private member portal.
If you cannot attend live it is your responsibility to watch the recording in your own time.
Treatment plans are provided.
Live sessions are for covering topics to help all participants in their healing journey.
All payments for group coaching programs are to be paid in full before the program begins.
Once the program has begun NO REFUNDS will be given.
Supplements and testing are not included in the group coaching programs.
I reserve the right to exclude a participant of the group at any time if she feels their behaviour is negatively impacting the others in the group.
Online Courses: Fix Your SIBO and The Microbiome Method
All purchases made on my website are NON-REFUNDABLE.
I proudly stand by my work, training programs and courses. You can read through the many testimonials regarding my programs if you are unsure. Due to the downloadable nature of my programs, and considerations of Intellectual Property, refunds will not be granted for any of the educational programs.
Please note that the information in these courses are intended for educational purposes only and are not to be taken as direct medical advice. As there has been no direct consultation, these are recommendations and guidelines only. Results can vary, and there is always the possibility you will not get the results you are looking for. Always check with your medical practitioner before changing your diet, eating, or health program.
The materials provided by me in these courses are for the use of the students enrolled in the course. Copyrighted course materials may not be further disseminated.
All other uses are expressly prohibited. You may not reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works of, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or use any part of the course unless we give you explicit permission to do so in a written agreement signed by Kirsten Greene ND.
© 2020 Kirsten Greene ND
All purchases made on my website are NON-REFUNDABLE.
I proudly stand by my work, training programs and courses. You can read through the many testimonials regarding my programs if you are unsure. Due to the downloadable nature of my programs, and considerations of Intellectual Property, refunds will not be granted for any of the educational programs.
Please note that the information in this course is intended for educational purposes only and is not to be taken as direct medical advice. As there has been no direct consultation, these are recommendations and guidelines only. Results can vary, and there is always the possibility you will not get the results you are looking for. Always check with your medical practitioner before changing your diet, eating, or health program.
© 2020 Kirsten Greene ND
Use of client feedback for promotional content:
Feedback received may sometimes be used in promotional content. Full names will be removed unless permission has been otherwise given.
Preparation for appointments and live sessions
Technology – General
It is your responsibility to:
- set up technology and ensure all appliances are charged and in working order;
- set up the applications required on your phone or laptop to complete the consultation
- ensure you have a reliable and sufficient internet or phone connection or reception
- ensure any other technology related requirements (hardware or software) are available and in working order prior to the appointment
Failure to follow these instructions may result in forfeiture of your appointment time and fee.
Technology – Zoom Appointments
It is your responsibility to ensure it is downloaded and tested prior to your appointment(s).
You will receive the link to the Zoom meeting room in your appointment confirmation email as well as in your reminder email.
Intake form
We require our intake form to be provided back to us at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time. The link for this form can be found in your appointment confirmation email.
If I have not received the information back we will not be able to proceed with your appointment and will need to reschedule. If this happens the Rescheduling by You (the Client) and Cancellation and Refunds policies will apply.
Time Zone Differences
All appointments are made and will occur using GMT+2 time zone (South African Standard Time). If you do not reside in this time zone, it is your responsibility to ensure you select the correct time zone in the booking tool and accurately convert the time change so as to not miss your appointment(s). This is my favourite site for converting time zones: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com
Failure to attend your appointment due to an inaccurate time zone conversion will result in forfeiture of your appointment time and fee.
Insurance Requests
You will need to check with your Insurance Provider if you are covered with online Naturopathic consultations.
Each provider has a unique code, so if you are eligible let me know and I will provide you with the appropriate code.
Important Notes
I (Kirsten Greene) am not a medical doctor; I do not service medical emergencies. If you have a medical emergency, you must contact your primary care physician or dial your country’s emergency number (000 for Australia).
Please contact me via email at [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns or require clarification on any of my terms and conditions.
Legal Issues
Any issues will be dealt with in an Australian court of law.

Kirsten is a Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist who specialises in working with those suffering from chronic digestive complaints, fatigue and weight issues. Why? Because that was her story too. Was. Past tense. Out the other side and healed using natural medicine, now helping others to do the same.